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Those of us with some prior knowledge of Trump shenanigans know his cheap nature when it comes to bill paying. That's why he decided to run again for President: to collect much OPM, other people's money, for himself, and potentially dismiss federal charges against him and his pals already in jail or on trial. We also know that real estate normally comes with high liability for mortgages and repairs, all needing paying to avoid summary collection of outstanding amounts. We know he regularly stiffs vendors in all his actions, both personal and business. So none of the long- or short-term reporting reveals much.

What's a tragedy over the current court settlement with Jean Carroll and judgement about real estate evaluation and mortgage lending to Trump is the all-too-obvious double standard applied to this fellow compared to others enduring 1. court sanctions like gag orders for airing his problems, 2. threatening all those involved in his comeuppance, including their families, and appearing in court when he feels like it or it's to his advantage politically or judicially.


We saw Ms. Carroll reject Trump continued berating and worse in the media after losing his rape case against her and securing additional money awarded by the court. But he's got another case with Stormy Daniels, porn star, which reopens the door to abuse of plaintiff and court officials involved. Nothing seems to stop this guy beating his gums about everything that would draw contempt citations and jail time for judicial abuse. No accounting for the gigantic reduction in bond money $175 million owed by Trump to appeal that judgment. Ordinary financiers, hedge fund managers, ponzi schemers wind up in jail, but not this blowhard in chief. Now there's even talk about reducing the overall amount of $350 million estimated to repay New Yorkers for Trump wrongdoing involving tax cheating and bogus realty estimate valuations.

Why have the courts treated this guy with kid gloves? Why does he continue to bloviate about his troubles which seems to get him more campaign money, higher poll support and larger rally turnout? Why do we continue seeing in the broadcast talking heads the failure to brand him loudly as a crook, far worse than Nixon who had to resign, Sen. Bob Menendez, forced out of his party, January 6th insurrectionists serving jail time, former Rep. Sanchez,lying and cheating constituents, voted out of office? What makes this serial criminal so untouchable? Even Al Capone went to jail. Why not Trump?

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