Excellent summation of the latest Marvel superhero 'Vomitface'

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What we have in the immigration debacle is proof that the former GOP is a wholly owned subsidiary of Trump. All House Republicans ( if we can still use that name ) wanted reform and readied a bill for passage; enter Trump against any immigration resolution and we have complete reversal of sentiment for it. Imagine, if you can, the unilateral actions desired by Trump if in office again to withdraw from NATO, and stop all funds and materiel from going abroad for any cause. Apply that to the United Nations as well. Feature the Army at the southern border repulsing all immigrants, with gunfire as needed. There you have dictator Trump at his rawest.

Now go a little farther and imagine Trump signaling Putin to attack the 3 weak NATO Baltic countries because they don't pay their share of national dues toward the alliance. Picture Trump nodding toward China preparing and executing an invasion of Taiwan. Whoops, there go most of the world's semiconductor chips, meaning your cars, cameras, cell phones etc.becoming unreplaceable or imported from China at high cost. Picture Kim Jong Un lobbing nukes at South Korea, Japan, Wake Island and maybe Hawaii without reproach or American retaliation. Picture spies from many nations infiltrating American business with no active FBI or Justice department monitoring and arrest. You're looking at American the Beautiful (Communist) nation, hunkered down hoping for love letters from Kim, praise and direction from Putin and economic stagnation by blockading China. You can't go anywhere, buy anything, object to conditions, demonstrate for or against anything, or vote for anyone not Trump-approved. Pray to God and hope to die that November 2024 voters see the spectre and vote for Biden.

Otherwise. . .

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